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Event Workflow Management Service

The main goal of the Event Workflow Management Service (EWMS) project is to advance the state of task scheduling and management by combining the handling of small, discrete events with the computing scale of modern scientific collaborations.

EWMS is a workflow management system built on HTCondor designed to process billions of fine grained events. It optimizes scheduling to fit work units into smaller resource envelopes and pipelines data transfer.

EWMS Architecture

  • Workflow Management Service: the control layer, user interface, and data provenance provider for workflows.
  • Data Distribution Service: uses message queues to manage O(100 TB) of data across millions of events per day.
  • Task Management Service: manage execution of task instances for each workflow on the compute resources.
  • Monitoring Service: monitors the progress of workflows and each component of EWMS, to better optimize throughput.


Above: Diagram of EWMS service